Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Design Brief (Update)

Design brief.
Client - Southampton City Council & NHS
Location - One Guildhall Square
Project - Green Pavilion - Education and Relaxation
End date - 08.05.2016

Business case
The aim of this project is to promote to the community healthy lifestyle and show to them how to live in a healthy way in our present world. But also to show them what bad lifestyle is doing and how it abuse their bodies. This project need to speak for itself about healthy lifestyle and need to attract people. Another aim is to educate the community through this pavilion and explain every enquiry that people might have. This is one more idea of promoting/advertising healthy lifestyle and  getting people's attention.
One Guildhall Square is a chosen location for this pavilion, it is in City Centre and there is a big open space, where lots of people are gathering every day, which make this location very attractive and perfect for this design.
Pavilion need to consist different parts and elements that will have different functions. This pavilion will be a place where people will walk in, for couple of tests and then consultation so  the spaces need to be in a good standards. Outside the pavilion will be a place for relaxation, so everyone can just sit and rest for a while and in the same time educate about healthy lifestyle.

Key findings -  Think about how big the pavilion need to be to be fully functional. What materials can be used for this pavilion to look very natural but also what materials should we use to set it up easy and transport it if necessary. How it will promote healthy lifestyle through itself. Overall look of the design so it will attract people.

Project goals, aims and objectives - This design will bring lots of good energy and positivity to the urban core. Will help people to manage with their health problems and educate them about healthy lifestyle. It will try to convince people to change their bad habits and behaviours, for good ones and it helps people to play more attention to care more about their life's. Design need to attract people and need to be interesting, but also it need to speak for itself. As the whole pavilion is about healthy lifestyle, we will try to bring some nature aspects to this site for a ''green and relax'' part of the pavilion. Design need to play its function and be appropriate for everyone to use.

Background research and future aspirations -For my background research I use different designs of similar theme, I look at different campaigns that are focused on healthy lifestyle to show how they promote it and what they use to interest and convince people. For my pavilion shape I will be inspired by the simple forms and try to keep it natural as this will make a contrast on the site where everything is very gray, dull and from concrete. Future aspirations can be a set of different pavilions around different towns in lots of different locations so the campaign can spread in whole country. It can be that kind of project that appears in town and everyone knows what this is and what it is for.

Target audience and end - users -  The audience will be the citizens of Southampton, and it will be for everyone that want a quick health check but also a professional consultation and advice about healthy lifestyle.

Key project stages - Different kind of diagrams to really understand and go deeply into design, how it should be look like and how it should work to achieve all the goals and functions. Concept drawings and models to test every idea. Evaluate all ideas and chose the best one.

Time scales and deadlines -  The deadline is for 8 of May 2016.

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