Sunday, 17 January 2016

Created Health Center in Wroclaw (Research)

Created Health Center in Wroclaw
Created Health Centre is the first European ultra-modern space that brings together ground-breaking tools and technologies for discovering the secrets of the human body. It is a unique place, prepared by the USP Health, in which every man can learn more about the health and functioning of the human body.
Within three years he will visit the largest Polish cities.
The idea is to show the Poles completely new approach to health, so that every day will learn how to take care of yourself and enjoy good health.
Created Health Centre are two modern pavilions filled with the latest technology.
By image, sound and movement, each visitor can learn about the complexity and uniqueness of the human body. The CDC is also an opportunity to learn the condition of your body and seek advice from experts in various fields of health. The space around the center is a place of group training sessions with experts, cultural events and a source of knowledge about trends in fashion, nutrition and psychology.Created Health Center is a comprehensive approach to a healthy lifestyle.
This is where health begins

Learn more about your health

We know that you are living in the fast lane. Stop and breathe in the Center Designed for Health - in a place that was designed for your health and your loved ones. Everything you touch here, what you hear and see, we've created so that you can know the value of your health  and well-being and to help you to take care of.
They are waiting for you two interactive pavilions, where, thanks to innovative solutions and methods, know your body, and through interactive fun 
and meetings with experts inspire to develop healthy habits.
Green pavilion is a diagnostic zone - you better know your body.
At the entrance you'll see the main screen, through which you will learn more about the idea, mission and our holistic approach to health.
Registration - here using a simple form to open an account and register your card. This will give access to all the technology offered by the Centre and the results of tests carried out  in the diagnostic part.
We give you the opportunity to independently investigate the organism in an area ''diagnozerów''. Thanks to know the composition of your body and you will learn what is the condition. You will benefit from a rich database of advise
and tips to help you everyday to take care of your health.
In the area of audio-video using practical tips you will learn how to take care of your body and improve his condition
In this area you have the possibility to make a short test of your Style Health, the result of which you will learn in the course of further hiking in the Center Designed for Health.
Sit down and listen to the sounds inspired by the sound of the human body 
the audio zone.

Throw the dice on an interactive table to launch our mobile apps. Personalize them, and you'll learn what you need to achieve full health. Do you know where digestion begins? Do you want to learn how to stay young in mind and body? See the books of knowledge, to discover the secrets that hides the human body.
The rest of the fascinating journey through our intelligent Centre is a visit 
in a white pavilion.
It is a place where you will learn how Style Health forum and you get more healthy tips: serving the knowledge and suggestions for exercises, designed specifically for your Style Health - all so that you can better care 
for their well-being. You will also learn what your brain has in common with 10W bulb, and you'll find a unique mechanism which is your body.

Let your health will be at the top of your priorities! We are waiting for you at the Center Designed for Health.
18 823 people visit our health center

Resources from: USP Zdrowie. (2013) 'Centrum Stworzone Dla Zdrowia.' [online] Available from: [Access date 17/01/2016]

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Mam na imię Monika i zawsze z tyłu głowy chodził mi taki pomysł żeby założyć bloga. Widocznie teraz nadszedł ten czas..i zobaczymy jak to się dalej potoczy :)