Monday, 7 March 2016

Floor plan update

I updated my floor plan as I add more to the examination room. At my previous tutorials, my tutor said that my rooms look like simple office space and I need to show their function and why they look like how they look.
I was ask to clearly give function for all my spaces and did research how examination room should look like and how it should be equipped.
On my floor plan my examination room will include : Desk work, chairs, exam table, exam light, exam cabinets, portable sink, weight machine.

Also I add a picture of my model of the pavilion, and I have change the direction of it but also I put my green square in the middle of the whole design. I do it to create a centre of my project, so everything will make one unit even if they are separated. Now this green square is like heart for my design, people will come around and gather there, using it and visiting.

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Mam na imię Monika i zawsze z tyłu głowy chodził mi taki pomysł żeby założyć bloga. Widocznie teraz nadszedł ten czas..i zobaczymy jak to się dalej potoczy :)