Sunday, 15 November 2015


This first two months was to discover and explore what we want to do for our feasibility project which then we will continue for our final major project, and also at the same time we think about our dissertation title which should help us with our project.

From the beginning when I was thinking of my design I want it to be something based on nature, for people use, something small but compact, where people can relax or spend time with friends. I know how stressful life could be now-days, people spend more and more time in front of the screens forgetting about 'outside' world.

My brain storm nr 1 - Lack of nature in built environment make that people are suffer more and more from depression, stress and other health problems. I want to look on how natural environment are affect humans health and behaviour. This lead me to:
- Shelter/pavilion/outdoor design
- Outdoor design
- Connect people with nature through design
- Interactive pavilion
- Design that brings nature to the build core
- Natural materials
- Reducing stress (How?)
- Nature in interiors

Now I am after couple of tutorials on which I discuss with my tutor, my ideas and thoughts.

Tutor comments  :
Nature and interiors...very vague at the moment. 
You need to make this a specific project about something. 
In what context is this relaxation taking place?
Looking at Southampton university green spaces.
But these are open spaces which implies buildings what are you intending to design?
Who is this for and who is your client?
To give people a place where they can choose to be alone or with other people.
What do people need? What research do you have to show what people need? You cannot just rely on your own guesswork (which is what you are also doing in your essay) to prove a point?
You need to take YOUR photos of the sites to show us what is actually there...take photos at different times to show activity.
You need to stop being lazy in your approach to analysing your site.

I already have 3 sites analysis and I chose one to be for my design.
I'm still not sure on how my project will look like, and I'm a bit struggle with it... I was talking with my study group about my ideas which was actually very helpful and help me a bit to make my idea more specific.

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Mam na imię Monika i zawsze z tyłu głowy chodził mi taki pomysł żeby założyć bloga. Widocznie teraz nadszedł ten czas..i zobaczymy jak to się dalej potoczy :)