Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Hand In 06.05.2016

Last Friday was our hand in.
I prepared bunch of physical work, like:

Mood boards,
Material and sample board,
4x A1 sheets with presentation of my design,
Design report,
Technical and Constructional report,
Booklet about my design,
Scratch book,
Visual board
FF&E schedule

& a CD where I put all my rest work.

I am quite happy of work that I have produced at the end. Since the presentation that we had 29.04.2016 I add some small changes into my model, it was very cosmetic change. I add my logo to it, so it will have more personal look also people will know what it is.

Now when it is couple of days after hand in I know that I could do some more things to my project if I have more time. But then I think that I will have this feeling always no matter of time.

Under I attached my 3 from 4 A1 presentation sheets that I did for my hand in.
A1 - Information Point & Green Spot

A1 - Main Pavilion

A1 - Consultation Pavilions

Monday, 2 May 2016

My plan for last week before the submission

On the 6th of May I have submission of my Final Major Project, I need to put everything together and some bits of the project need to improve.

My plan for the last days:

- Improve my model and visuals (I want to add my logo in main pavilion)

- Make material board

- Make mood board

- Create A1 sheets with visuals and plans

- Finish my design report

- Finish the FF&E

- Finish Service report

- Print everything

- Submit !!!

My renders

I chose here some of my final renders that I used in my presentation. I think they are quite good, but I want to work on them a bit and improve them a bit so they will be even better for the submission.

About Me

My photo
Mam na imię Monika i zawsze z tyłu głowy chodził mi taki pomysł żeby założyć bloga. Widocznie teraz nadszedł ten czas..i zobaczymy jak to się dalej potoczy :)