Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Hand In 06.05.2016

Last Friday was our hand in.
I prepared bunch of physical work, like:

Mood boards,
Material and sample board,
4x A1 sheets with presentation of my design,
Design report,
Technical and Constructional report,
Booklet about my design,
Scratch book,
Visual board
FF&E schedule

& a CD where I put all my rest work.

I am quite happy of work that I have produced at the end. Since the presentation that we had 29.04.2016 I add some small changes into my model, it was very cosmetic change. I add my logo to it, so it will have more personal look also people will know what it is.

Now when it is couple of days after hand in I know that I could do some more things to my project if I have more time. But then I think that I will have this feeling always no matter of time.

Under I attached my 3 from 4 A1 presentation sheets that I did for my hand in.
A1 - Information Point & Green Spot

A1 - Main Pavilion

A1 - Consultation Pavilions

Monday, 2 May 2016

My plan for last week before the submission

On the 6th of May I have submission of my Final Major Project, I need to put everything together and some bits of the project need to improve.

My plan for the last days:

- Improve my model and visuals (I want to add my logo in main pavilion)

- Make material board

- Make mood board

- Create A1 sheets with visuals and plans

- Finish my design report

- Finish the FF&E

- Finish Service report

- Print everything

- Submit !!!

My renders

I chose here some of my final renders that I used in my presentation. I think they are quite good, but I want to work on them a bit and improve them a bit so they will be even better for the submission.

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Final presentation / 29/04/2016

Yesterday I did presentation for the panel about my design. It was a very long day, and presentation was delayed about 2h 
I supposed to have mine at 15.30pm and I walk into the room about 18pm. 

But except that I was actually very happy for the presentation and the feedback I get. Most of the comments was about my presentation and what should I do to improve this. 


What was being said and video presentation didn't link

Beautiful model and visuals

Take 3/4 key views and annotate to explain points

Montage around visuals

Need to present statistics for why you have designed your idea. 

And this is my video that I created for my presentation:

Monday, 25 April 2016

Poster for my design

This is poster created by me for my event. This poster is introducing and promoting my event. I thought it will be a nice detail that will make my project on more high standard, but also this will make my design more real.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Working on my logo for my design

I decided to create a logo for my design, to give it more personalisation and more professional feel. 

Floor plan update

This is my floor plan that I have updated, I still want to improve it more. This floor plan is plane without textures and patterns I will add them at the end. 
I want to create couple of versions of one floor plan. One with textures from AutoCad, one that will be rendered in PhotoShop, one that will be very simple like that one. 

I add old floor plan just to compare how it was looks couple of weeks ago and how it change and look today. I think I improve this floor plan since then, but I think it still need some finishes. 

Plan for the week

There is 6 days left till presentation.
In those last days I want to do:

- Improve my AutoCad plans
- Add materials to my SketchUp model
- Render my SketchUp model in Podium
- Render AutoCad drawings in PhotoShop
- Do the presentation

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Floor frame

This is a diagram showing how my floor frame is putted together. The main pillars have ''basket'' for each of the panels that goes between pillars, each panels have two 'basket' at the two ends, in this way the montage of floor frame will be quicker and easier.

When the event will finish this floor frame can be easily disassemble without any other tools.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Pillars technical part

This is a scheme of that main pillars in the construction will be fixed directly into the steel floor frame, and because of that the construction will be stiff and strong. 

Information point construction details

This is construction of my information point in my design, it have only 3 walls as the front is whole open. I divided walls into smaller parts so there will be no massive component to carry on, but also it will make easier to transport it. 

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Divided pavilions into parts

Those are 2D drawings that I made in Autocad to explain the system of how my pavilions are fixed together. On those drawings I put floor plan and every elevation of the pavilions. On separate sheet I need to put how the roofs will be constructed. 

Technical Part

This diagram is explaining how my walls in pavilions are constructed and putted together. Every wall in my design will be fixed by this method.

I explained in more detail and how it works step by step in my design report.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Nature themed drawings

I draw and then coloured different graphics which then I will use in my 3D model. I want to use them as wallpapers in my consultation and examination rooms. I prepared 6 different graphics which are inspired by nature. 

About Me

My photo
Mam na imię Monika i zawsze z tyłu głowy chodził mi taki pomysł żeby założyć bloga. Widocznie teraz nadszedł ten czas..i zobaczymy jak to się dalej potoczy :)